

The Buehler Challenger & Science Center is a New Jersey Professional Development Provider.  We offer full-day teacher workshops for teachers new to the Center, as well as returning educators.  Choose from one of the following options:

Teacher Workshop

Educators bringing students for a mission for the 2024/2025 school year MUST attend the mission workshop for which they are registered. The teacher(s) preparing students for the mission will also need to attend a mandatory teacher work shop, even if previously trained in Comet, Moon, or Mars workshops.

Expedition Mars

The teacher will receive the Expedition Mars curriculum binder filled with pre- and post-flight lesson plans, participate in several hands-on activities, as well as “fly” an Expedition Mars mission for a “first-hand” experience. Please note that we are an accredited facility and teachers will receive a certificate confirming that they completed six professional development hours.

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Booster Workshop

Returning teachers who have already attended a Scenario Workshop have the opportunity to register for our Booster Workshops.  These workshops may be run by a NASA educator or by Center staff. Teacher Training 092112 038

Past topics have included:

  • Eclipses
  • Universal Instructional Design
  • Astrobiology
  • Space Weather

For each mission booked, one teacher is eligible to attend one of the above workshops. Any additional teachers will automatically incur a $50 charge per workshop.

Looking for a manifest or nametags?  Go to our “Downloads” Link.

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